Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 18:A Time when you felt Passionate and Alive

This is difficult. I feel passionate about my hobbies like photography. I love when I am hired to shoot a family or a newly engaged couple. I love when my friends let me photograph them as well. I feel alive when I get to use my education at work. I was recently asked to design the renovations of an old carriage house downtown. Taking measurements and deciding how to use existing plumbing and walls made me feel very alive.

I feel alive and happy when I'm with all of my friends. Whether they are old friends from college or my friends here in Savannah. I am passionate when I throw a dinner party or cook for a friend.

I think I would have to say the time I feel most alive is when I get to sing Karaoke. yes I am a Karaoke superstar. Get me on stage with some Joan Jett or Janis Joplin and I feel in my element.


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