Friday, January 28, 2011

Little girl beware

Last night I found out that my high school best friend is having a baby girl. I'm so happy because all of my close friends that have had babies have had boys. I got to thinking about this baby girl and how fortunate she is to have me in her life.

Let me tell you about my bestie and I. We met when I was in the 7th grade and she was in the 8th. She was new in town and we met at church. She was very quiet and shy and I...well I'm the polar opposite of that. We instantly hit it off because she let me do all the talking and wanted me to make the decisions. It was a great match.We wrote insanely long letters to each other every day in middle school and when I got to high school. She chose Winthrop for college and a year later guess where I went. We joined separate sororities but still remained close. We were neighbors for a year and still talk on the phone a good bit

I've been thinking about my relationship with my mom's best friend. Growing up I affectionately referred to her as B.B. She lived in the same town as us until I was about 6 and then they moved to Alabama. I always loved going to visit them. When I was in high school she would let me have wine coolers when she came to visit. She was always interested in my life and of course my love life. She was and still is very cool and I have always loved talking to her.

I want this little girl to view me this way. Maybe I wont give her wine coolers, I dont drink that crap. But definitely a glass of champagne or wine. I want to talk to her about boys and how to make them do what you want (hopefully I will have figured this out by the time she is old enough to date). I want to play barbies with her when she is a little girl and send her tutus and hair bows. Her mom has always been like a sister to me and we have had some amazing times together. When she is old enough I will let her in on some crazy stories. Maybe I'll whisper some in her ear when she is a baby and hope she remembers.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

ee cummings

I recently started a book of quotes. I have a little notebook on my desk at work and when I have downtime I will fill it in with all kinds of quotes. Inspirational, funny, love, music, movie quotes, and poems. I remember taking American Literature in high school and I'm remember studying poems. I was always as fan of Robert Frost and thought Emily Dickinson was nutso. Since I started this little book I have discovered the wonderful works of ee cummings. Now I dont claim to be an intellectual as you can see by 98% of my other posts. I would never describe myself as deep (unless the opposite is shallow and then I would prefer deep).

Talking about the love post its inspired me to read some of cummings poems. I found these two I want to share in honor of my recent valentine's day theme.

i like my body when it is with your
body. It is so quite a new thing.
Muscles better and nerves more.
i like your body. i like what it does,
i like its hows. i like to feel the spine
of your body and its bones, and the trembling
-firm-smooth ness and which i will
again and again and again
kiss, i like kissing this and that of you,
i like, slowly stroking the, shocking fuzz
of your electric fur, and what-is-it comes
over parting flesh . . . . And eyes big love-crumbs,

and possibly i like the thrill

of under me you quite so new

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

You know what else i love about this man's style? He doesnt capitalize. Not sure if you have noticed but i too hate capitalization. Maybe ee cummings was lazy like me...or maybe i too am a literary genuis!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Love Post its

Last week I made an impromptu trip to Barnes and Noble. I typically avoid book stores. Ever since I was a little girl books have made my stomach hurt. I remember going to the library in my hometown of Hartsville, SC and the smell of old books made my stomach turn over. I was only like 5 years old and was going for a childrens book reading and couldn't stay through the end of the hilarious Amelia Bedelia story. High school and College brought the same problem. Crazy thing is, I enjoy reading. Thank goodness the public library here has an online hold system. I put in the book I want after researching on Amazon and put a hold on it. The next day I walk in, pick my book up and leave. Takes 2 minutes.

Okay, back to the original story. They had a table in Barnes and Noble with Valentines gifts on it. There were some risque items like Kama Sutra card packs, Cosmo bedside truth or dare, a body paint kit. Then I saw this great book that I started flipping through.
It got me thinking that people don't write enough love letters. I received one in high school, if any of my old friends are reading this you will know who wrote me this letter. It was hand delivered by this guy who had a crush on me. The only quote I remember from it was "Your eyes sparkle like stars in the midnight sky". Not sure where he stole that line from and although it was flattering to receive a hand written, hand delivered love letter....the guy didn't even get a first date, sorry guy!

I've dated a lot of jerks so clearly I havent received many love letters. Its nice to see in writing how much you are loved. I kept those little notes in my desk drawer and would read them when I had a bad day. I do the same with love emails, even if they are from my mom, they make you feel good.

I would love to get a love post it like the one below. Maybe on my car on a random Tuesday. Writing has gone out the window now that everything is digital. When is the last time you hand wrote a note to someone?

I charge each of you to write a love letter. It can be a love post it to your best friend saying you hope she has a great week. It can be a hand written note to your grandpa telling him how much he means to you. It means more to write it down and sometimes its easier than saying it.

Guys, this book is a great gift idea for your ladies (I dont think any straight men actually read my blog). I will be posting ideas for the fellas this week. Be on the lookout for great gift ideas for Valentines day in the next few weeks.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Smoking makes my eyes burn

Recently here in Savannah a new law passed. NO SMOKING IN BARS!!! Before it was no smoking in restaurants but you would still go out to the bars and reek of smoke the next day. I would have to come home and shower before getting in my bed. So, you have drunk me in the shower at 2am....Its just dangerous and a bad idea. I'm so glad that this law passed but my smoker friends arent. This is the scene now in front of the downtown bars. I could care less if they have to stand outside

The most amazing part about the new law is that there are certain bars that my non smoker friends will actually go to now. Pinkie Masters is one of my favorite spots in downtown Savannah. It is an institution as I tell my friends making their first trips there. Its been around since the 20s or 30s and people have always smoked in there. I dont think the smell will every fully go away. Its embedded in the curtains. But we can now go and not have our eyes burn out of our skulls.

I love not smelling like smoke and being able to breath when I'm out. I love not having to wash my hair twice in one day. This is the best law every passed!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

ShopSCAD finds

I am fortunate to live in a town that feeds into my creative energy. I have never been the girl who is so stuck on looking like everyone else that I must have the latest Coach or Louis Vuitton bag. It kinda drives me nuts those of you walking around with the same 5 purses. I have mentioned before that I have ShopSCAD for my unique style needs.

I had a store credit there that needed to be used so I picked up a new Vanessa Boulton bag. I love how different it is. Here is a photo of the inside and outside of my new favorite purse. It is a statement piece and I can not wait to wear it all Spring long.


While in the store I picked out a fun new headband. I feel it compliments my style and love of all things Blair Waldorf, HEADBANDS!! I'm getting the one in the lower right corner. They are by Honor Bowman. Thank you ShopSCAD for keeping me very stylish and excited about spring!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Winter Blues

I want to talk about Spring! I want to talk about my upcoming birthday! I want to finalize plans for my best friends bachelorette party! But all I can do is be as dull and predictable as the weather lately. It's warmer in Savannah today, its in the low 60s. Its been raining all week and I've been miserable. Work is slow right now, there is nothing good on tv and I cant force myself to go to the gym. I need motivation, I need sunshine, I need a good man to be a great man!! But that last part is a whole other story.

So, what brings you out of a funk? I've tried my favorite music of Huey Lewis and the News which usually works. I've tried focusing my energy on chores and the dog. He hasnt smelled this good in weeks and my house is dust free. I even bought a new pillow top for my bed which has only caused me to spend more time in it. I have even tried shopping for new clothes but that made me want to go to the gym.

I did find a new blog I like Hyperbole and a half   it makes me smile. I need some good ideas. I have the winter blues and I need to snap out of it. Maybe someone could send me my favorite spring flowers, TULIPS!! Lets not give any man enough credit to come up with that on his own.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Resolutions and Realizations

Happy 2011 everyone!! My new years resolution is to blog more. Who likes that?

Every year I come up with a motto instead of a resolution. A motto that I will follow daily and it will help me be whatever person I want to be on December 31. Last years motto was 20i0 which means "2010 is all about I". It worked, I did what I wanted and it made me happy!

This year's motto is 2011, why not?? Basically, the attitude I'm taking this year is to say yes more. I go out a lot as it is. I love my friends and have a great guy that I've been seeing. I keep myself pretty busy. But there are still the times I say no. I say no to a lot of out of town functions because either: a) Dont have the money b)Have no one to watch my dog c) just plain lazy d) all of the above.

I've decided to say Why Not more to out of town events. I missed out on NYE in Columbia with my best friends because I was broke. This brings us to the realization aspect of today's blog. I need to get out of debt. I spend too much money paying off credit cards. I've been hacking away at it for a year now and I'm finally getting somewhere. I have money to put aside now that I can have fun with.

Last year I decided to find a husband, that didnt happen obviously. This year in an effort to not pressure that subject, I will just have fun and I will finally have more money to do so. This means the awesome new wardrobe I picked out from Vineyard Vines will have to wait.

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