Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 26: A childhood memory

Only 4 posts left until I have to actually put thought into my topics again. I was asked yesterday what my blog was about and it caught me off guard. its about ME silly. So today's topic is a childhood memory.

My childhood is filled with all sorts of happy memories. I grew up in a typical 80s neighborhood, it wasnt gated or fancy. We could ride our bikes until the sun went down and I remember playing ball in the front yard on a summer evening, daughters vs dads. It was lots of fun. I remember the moms standing on the sidelines with glasses of wine watching us all run to the bases made of oven mitts or dogwood trees.

I also loved to play dress up and had all kinds of fun with my Dad's hats, hats that I made and of course Princess crowns.

I also had a really bad haircut and looked like a boy most of my childhood. I remember being a child and having pool parties in the summer and my parents would grill out. I guess all of these memories can be summed up to say that I value family and its the times that I was with my family and friends together that are my most treasured memories. That and the fun hats.

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