Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I get excited when I see that someone has commented on my posts. I try to only write when I have something entertaining to say. I have recently noticed a wave of spammers commenting on my posts. Does anyone else get this? Its all in Chinese characters and is a link to a site that i dare not click on. Any clue how to get rid of this? I keep deleting them and then I get sad because I have NO comments. Are spammers my biggest fans?


Preppy Girl Meets World said...

I get the same thing too! And more than half of them are in Chinese. I disabled anonymous commenting and enabled captchas thinking that would help, it didn't. I don't want to have to resort to comment moderation, but if it gets worse, I may have to.

Coastal Belle said...

I delete what they comment. it bums me out. Thanks for being a real person and having a comment!!

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