My friends Lindy and Josh have been dating for a few years and move in together about a year ago. Josh works for the Coast Guard doing oil spill relief. He got Lindy to go out with him by telling her that he once cleaned oil off of a duck using dawn soap and little washcloth. Lindy went to grad school with me and is one of the kindest people I know. She is carefree and loves to do nice things for people.
Last night we went out for drinks and they were telling a story about a mouse they found in their apartment. As a couple they tell great stories because they play off each other and take turns telling different parts. I'd like to share the story of the Christmas Mouse. Lindy's part will be in Bold to make this story easier to read.
Lindy: So the other day we made Christmas cookies to take home to our families and we got up the next morning and they were all gone.
Josh: We have a mouse
Lindy: So i freaked out and hid in the bathroom.
Josh: I got on the floor with a flashlight and found a small mouse hole under the stove
Lindy: I decided to get some mortar and caulk and cover it up
Josh: But the mouse would get stuck and die and smell
Lindy: But I dont want to kill it because it is probably a very nice mouse and we should just let it go in the park
Josh: I saw it the next day and it was no mouse, it was a RAT
Lindy: (closing her ears and squealing) EWW stop, it was a mouse. A nice mouse, it was our Christmas mouse because he ate our cookies and took them to his family.
Josh: It was a RAT and it had to DIE.
Lindy: So Josh bought rat poison, excuse me. Mouse poison and set out 8 bars.
Josh: and I woke up the next morning and it was all gone. He ate every last crumb of it
Me: (laughing very loudly) so did you find him
Josh: he probably went back under the house and died
Lindy: but it was a fast and painless death. I really wish we had caught it and let it free
Josh: but you hid in the bathroom and didnt want to see the rat
Lindy: the MOUSE, it was a cute mouse I'm sure and he didnt deserve to die
Josh: But he ate all of the cookies
Lindy: yea I have to make new cookies tomorrow. Hopefully he didnt tell his friends where the delicious cookies were.
Lindy's Mouse
Josh's Rat
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