Thursday, July 9, 2009

Awkward family photos

I have a new favorite website called Awkward Family Photos . Wanted to share my 4 favorite of the day. Enjoy!!

This is my favorite!!!


Jane said...

Okay, the last one, that's really disturbing. Why in the world did they put that on the interwebs? Somethings are meant for timed cameras, home printing, and then a nightstand drawer! Sheesh!

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Um...that last one made me gag a little! Gives "what were they thinking" new meaning!

Coastal Belle said...

i had to include it for the WTF factor.

Kate said...

Wow. At first I thought you were saying these were YOUR family photos. Ha ha. So glad to know that is not the case.

Barefoot in the Park said...

i just laughed out loud. my sister sent me this site but i havent seen these. the pooh one is CLASSIC!

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

That last one is just plain strange. Should have been PRIVATE for sure.

Farrell and Lauren said...

This is just cracking me up.

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