So during the vows the groom emphasized for POORER. I got to thinking about how Poor i feel lately. I've been saving money buy eating lots of sandwiches, rice, potatoes, and hot dogs. No more funky stinky cheeses. I've also been saving money by not going out. Its starting to wear on me so today I decided I want my old life back and its time to get serious about this job hunt. Job hunt 09 is now at a level orange.
I need a job so that when I need to buy some more zyrtec (current situation) I can easily afford it! I considered starting a facebook cause called "hey man can I have a dollar" and having all of my friends donate $1 to me. I have over 1100 friends and that would help out but I havent done it yet. So as you are reading this click on my ads over to the right so that I can earn a little extra cash.
People always blame their parents when things dont go right in their life. I blame my parents for me expecting to make lots of money. I feel that I deserve nice things and should have them so not being able to buy clothes or other things I want makes me sad. Hopefully one of these jobs will pan out and I'll have my old life back. I feel like Goldie Hawn in Overboard.
1 comment:
I hope you get a job SOOON!
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