I also have some problems with anxiety and its always bad for some reason the week before my period (this week). My legs tend to hurt which makes me anxious. My doctor said it has something to do with the iron in your body moving to your uterus. Sorry for any boys who are reading this it may be TMI.
Do any of you have problems like that? My Dr said I might have PMDD but of course didnt give me anything for it. So last night I laid in bed wide awake and my left arm started to hurt then I had heartburn and the anxiety of it all convinced me I was having a heart attack. I took a xanax and finally went to sleep. All to wake up way too late this morning.
Now its night 2 and my legs are cramping and I feel like my heart is racing (i dont think it actually is, i think its in my head). Why do I feel like I'm going crazy? Someone tell me I'm not alone.