42 days! thats longer than the great flood. I've decided I can never be a stay at home mom. I dont like being home this much. Even if I were busy with a kid I would still adult conversation.
After 42 days I no longer sleep 7.5 hours every night. I now sleep 9hours. I cant seem to break myself of going to bed late and getting up late. My bedtime used to be 1130 and now it's more like 2am. When I do get a job its going to be hard to get back in the habit.
My room has never been cleaner. I have never gone to the gym this much (I need the interaction)I've lost 10 lbs. I cook more and my room is spotless. My dog loves me being home all day. We got for 2 walks and cuddle on the couch every afternoon. My biggest guilty vice is Meerkat Manor.
Hopefully I'll have an interview in Charleston in the next few weeks. Maybe one in Dallas, TX. If anyone else knows of any jobs in city planning, Development, or Historic Preservation let me know.
Just wanted to say I love reading your blog! I'm friends with Katie Reaves and saw the link on her Twitter. :) I'm currently unemployed, too. So boring! Especially when it's rainy.
awesome. welcome to my world! Glad you enjoyed it
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