No drink resonates the feeling of spring with the tasetebuds quite like Mint Juleps and Mimosas. I know that Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this week. I dont quite understand why we here in the south listen to what a groundhog from Pennsylvania says. We need our own groundhog. Regardless, Spring is just around the corner and I know this because the new Lilly Pulitzer line was launched last week ,the dog on the main women's page looks just like my dog (Jackson, see below). Another reason I know its almost Spring is that today I craved a Mint Julep.

In Savannah, St Patricks Day is the start of Spring in my mind. It is usually pretty warm and we get up before dawn and start drinking mimosas. It is a wonderful day and the countdown to my birthday two weeks later. Spring is by far my favorite season. March is by far my favorite month of the year, and 7o degree average highs are PERFECT!!
Another thing that gets me ready for spring is to listen to Beach music. I have XM radio and have been listening to Radio Margaritaville for 2 weeks. Next week I will probably try on my sun dresses from last season. I did pick out my Easter dress already (see below). Very soon I'll pick out my birthday presents which usually come from Lilly and Vineyard vines.

Now that I've gotten everyone ready for Spring, here are a few things to look forward to over the next few weeks. Valentine's Day, even if you're single its a fun day to go out with your girlfriends. Fat Tuesday, this year it is on Feb 24, even though I'm not Catholic, French or from New Orleans I still like to enjoy my final sins before starting lent (which I dont really have to observe). This year for Lent I'm giving up shopping. Yea, its gonna be hard. I will allow myself to only buy things I need, not want and I can buy food and go to dinner. I need to buy my Easter dress before hand, or maybe I can call it a "need". Also at the end of this month the tulips should start blooming in Savannah and it is time to plant a springtime Herb Garden.
Drink a Mimosa and shop for Lilly dresses and forget what that pesky groundhog said, Spring is almost here!!!!
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