Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Santa Baby

Dearest Santa Baby,

I've been a good girl and I've had a tough year. The pitfalls were losing my job, having to borrow money from family, having to move to a smaller place, My grandfather getting sick, and not finding Mr. Right. The good things that happened this year were finding a job, making new friends, having fun even when life got me down, paying off my car, and being healthy and losing 15lbs.

So Santa, I think I've done good for other people. I raised $1400 for the humane society of Savannah. I bought multiple homeless people meals this year. I even gave one of them $5 for having a creative sign. I visited people I didnt know in the nursing home. I went to church 3/8 of the Sundays this year. I babysat my niece and nephew when my brother was in a jam. I ran errands for my mom and helped her around her house. I gave clothes and designer shoes to the needy....Santa, I've been a VERY good girl.

What comes with my new less extravagant lifestyle is not having as many wants. So this year I really only want to be happy and healthy in 2010. I'd like to someone come into enough money to buy this house in Savannah.

(courtesy of Cora Bett Thomas Realty) 
If you really wanted to be nice then you'd let me win the lottery so that I could buy this house.

(courtesy of Cora Bett Thomas Realty) 
If you helped me win the lottery I could buy all of the Manolos, Jimmy Choo's, and Louboutin's that I want. Of course I'd buy some for my friends and family too. I could actually donate all of my current clothes to the needy and get all new clothes because I would be able to quit my job and work out religiously and I would NEED the new clothes. I would also love to give my Honda to Charity and I could buy this in its place.

(courtesy of

I mean Santa, there is a lot of good that can be done if  I hit the mega million on Friday night. So yes, thats what I want for Christmas. And Santa If you help me get what I want then I'll take you on my Mega Yatch for a tour of the world from sea as opposed to the air which is the only way you've seen it.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Christmas Mouse

Usually I have my own witty stories to share. Today I want to share a friends story that I heard last night.

My friends Lindy and Josh have been dating for a few years and move in together about a year ago. Josh works for the Coast Guard doing oil spill relief. He got Lindy to go out with him by telling her that he once cleaned oil off of a duck using dawn soap and  little washcloth. Lindy went to grad school with me and is one of the kindest people I know. She is carefree and loves to do nice things for people.

Last night we went out for drinks and they were telling a story about a mouse they found in their apartment. As a couple they tell great stories because they play off each other and take turns telling different parts. I'd like to share the story of the Christmas Mouse.  Lindy's part will be in Bold to make this story easier to read.

Lindy: So the other day we made Christmas cookies to take home to our families and we got up the next morning and they were all gone.
Josh: We have a mouse
Lindy: So i freaked out and hid in the bathroom. 
Josh: I got on the floor with a flashlight and found a small mouse hole under the stove
Lindy: I decided to get some mortar and caulk and cover it up
Josh: But the mouse would get stuck and die and smell
Lindy: But I dont want to kill it because it is probably a very nice mouse and we should just let it go in the park
Josh: I saw it the next day and it was no mouse, it was a RAT
Lindy: (closing her ears and squealing) EWW stop, it was a mouse. A nice mouse, it was our Christmas mouse because he ate our cookies and took them to his family. 
Josh: It was a RAT and it had to DIE.
Lindy: So Josh bought rat poison, excuse me. Mouse poison and set out 8 bars. 
Josh: and I woke up the next morning and it was all gone. He ate every last crumb of it
Me: (laughing very loudly) so did you find him
Josh: he probably went back under the house and died
Lindy: but it was a fast and painless death. I really wish we had caught it and let it free
Josh: but you hid in the bathroom and didnt want to see the rat
Lindy: the MOUSE, it was a cute mouse I'm sure and he didnt deserve to die
Josh: But he ate all of the cookies
Lindy: yea I have to make new cookies tomorrow. Hopefully he didnt tell his friends where the delicious cookies were.


Lindy's Mouse

Josh's Rat

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas memories

Today it was 70 degrees in Savannah. Its hard to get in the spirit of the holidays when I'm in a short sleeved sweater. The tree is trimmed and my nutcrackers keep looking at me funny but I'm just not feeling it. I have a few theories. 

1. I am poor. I took a huge pay cut from what I made this time last year and I cant really enjoy buying for others when I have no money. 

2. Ever since my Dad passed away the holidays just arent the same and this year my grandpa is in the hospital. 

3. my office doesnt really decorate, there arent lots of treats or spirit and thats where I spend 40 hours of my week. I'm contemplating wearing a tacky Christmas sweater just to pep people up

But the real reason I think I'm not feeling it is that I'm not a kid anymore. I've lost the innocence that comes from believing. When I was little I couldnt wait for Christmas eve to arrive. My family would start coming into town on Festivus (Dec 23) and we would start the party. The cooking would commence and with that came the eating. We went to my grandparents every Christmas Eve and spent all day eating, opening gifts and hanging out. Here are photos from those good ole days. 

That night in our new pajamas that we were always magically gifted when we got home. My brother and I would go to bed. He would wake me up on Christmas morning, usually not in a nice calm way. We would run to the den and see what loot we got. Santa spent lots of time setting our gifts up. One year Santa brought a baby grand piano, That was a big gift to get down the chimney and me not notice for days. Another year we got a golf cart, Santa didnt always make it into the house. Both of those years I was sad that I didnt have a big present in the living room but Santa never disappointed. 

Dollhouses were put together and decorated. Remote control cars were out of the package and ready to roll, the even had batteries. Santa was so good to us. Its sad to think that he doesnt come anymore. I still spend the night at my mom's on Christmas Eve but I think until I have kids to get me excited a month in advance, I wont have the spirit I used to have. Does anyone else feel this way? 

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Man Candy of the week Alexander Skarsgard

This week's man candy is dedicated to my roommate. Mainly because she took care of Jackson all weekend while I was in Atlanta visiting my grandpa in the hospital. She loves True Blood and thinks Alexander Skarsgard is the sexiest vampire in the world. Katie this if for you! Enjoy

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Jewelry and Jesus

On a starting note. Has anyone noticed spammers commenting on posts? I've had multiple people make comments that go to links and today one was in chinese characters. Anyone know how to stop that? Now on the post. 

This time of year gets me thinking about a lot but I want to discuss Jewelry and Jesus. I love to hate Jewelry commercials. Zales, Kay, Jared...the commercials are so cheesy. "Whats a 13 letter saying for engagement? He Went to Jared" LAME!  The commercial with the couple leaning against the window watching the storm and he gives her a necklace. Come on now, that doesnt happen. My favorite is the man lighting the Christmas tree at 2am and saying "its 2am the morning of our first Christmas as a family" and then he gives her something sparkly from Kay. No man would do that. Its cheesy and ridiculous. 

I also think about Jesus. I'm a religious person. I'm a Methodist and try to go to church every Sunday. In Savannah we have a large population of homeless people. My roommate and friends make fun of me because I only give money to the people with signs that say things like"God Bless". I joke that I only do it because what if they are Jesus in disguise. 

Well I was at the Post Office getting stamps for my Christmas cards the other day and the lady asked if I wanted Pagan or Religious stamps. I told her I wanted religious because what if she had been Jesus and I had chosen the wrong answer. I dont care if you think its sacrilegious of me to do things like this and think that way.  God has a sense of Humor! 

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Man Candy of The Week Gerard Butler

I was sick for the better part of last week and that means that I watched A LOT of movies. This week's man candy was hard to choose. I just watched the Holiday so I considered Jude Law (love him in that). But I also watched PS I Love You. This is my favorite Gerard Butler movie. I'm currently planning a trip to the British Isles and to see the scenery in this movie and the sweetness by which Hillary Swank goes to Europe, well it made me swoon. So Ladies tomorrow when you are having a case of the Mondays, just close your eyes and imagine Gerard Butler talking in that sexy accent.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My Daddy

Three years ago today my Daddy passed away from Lung Cancer. Every year it gets a little easier to remember his life as opposed to his death. I'm out sick today (fever, chills, bad stuff). I'm sure that if I was at work the time would pass and I wouldnt be thinking about the anniversary of his death so much. But, I'm home and I'm bored and I thought I would share my memories of my Dad with my readers.

Just like many other families ours would go to the beach every summer. This was summer of '86 at Kiawah Island, SC. He would probably kill me if he were alive for posting this photo of him. This happens to be my favorite photo of us. It is framed in a Lilly Pulitzer frame in my office.

Clearly I dont remember this and I'm not sure what is on my head I'm sure my dad put it there. He had a great sense of humor and was constantly making people laugh. He looked a lot like Kenny Rogers too didnt he? My Dad had lots of friends and making friends was a natural gift he had that was passed to me. I've always been able to walk right up to someone, strike up a conversation and have made a new friend.

My parents moved from South Carolina to Savannah, GA when I was a sophomore in college. This is my Dad at my parents house in Savannah shortly before he got sick. He decided he wanted a dog to ride around in his truck with him and he went to the Humane Society to get one. He came home with a white poodle named Collins. Collins looked like Mugatu's dog in Zoolander. This dog was a gift from God because he sat by my Dad for the next year as he underwent chemo. This dog didnt leave his side and after my dad passed away the dog became sick and died a few years later at a young age.

So what else can I tell you about my dad? He was an easy person to talk to. He was caring and wanted the best for everyone. He was impulsive, if he wanted something he would buy it. He was a good boss and made sure his people were taken care of. He loved a good party and a Jack and Ginger. He had a great sense of humor, after he got sick I bought everyone CANCER SUCKS! bracelets, he thought it was great! Every Saturday night was steak night and it was everyone's favorite night of the week, our version of family game night. My Dad was the best man that I have ever known and when people tell me that I'm a lot like him I say very honestly, Thank you! that is the best complement to me.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Hottie of the week Chace Crawford

After a terrible Monday I needed some good eye candy. Ladies this week I give you Chace Crawford. Gossip Girl always cures my Mondays and this week didnt disappoint. I always feel so bad for him. Those boyish good looks, shaggy hair, square jaw and beautiful eyes. He can cuddle with me ANY day!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I'm Thankful

I stole this from the Southern Domestic Goddess . As my readers know I'm not keen on Thanksgiving. After my Dad passed away I dont feel like we have much to celebrate anymore. Even as I write this I'm crying. It seems like every Thanksgiving my Mom, brother, and I try our best to enjoy this holiday. Last night I stayed at my moms and we cooked and prepared the table and gave each other pedis. My brother announced yesterday that he would swing by for lunch around 2 and then he and his wife and kids would head out to California. My mom's boyfriend and his daughter came.

It was a little awkward having my mom's boyfriend be part of our traditions but it was nice to see her happy. His daughter is super nice and we have a good conversation about her going off to college and joining a sorority. My brother swooped in and they were gone in an hour. Again, not a terrific Thanksgiving but I want to find things to be thankful for today.

I'm thankful for my wonderful friends who support me in all my crazy ideas and are always up for a good time!

I'm thankful for my Mom who is my best friend even though she keeps trying to set me up with random people.

I'm thankful for my Dad's sisters and their families for keeping us all close throughout the years.

I'm thankful for my brother for giving me my niece and nephew who I love endlessly.

I'm thankful for my wonderful dog Jackson who sits by my side even when I'm mad at him.

I'm thankful for my roommate who has been my best friend since we were 2 and understands me better than anyone.

I'm thankful for alcohol to make the holidays a little more lively (i'm not a alcoholic I swear).

I hope all of you had a wonderful thanksgiving. I'm about to eat some leftovers and watch Miracle on 34th Street. The Wallace's DO love Christmas!!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hottie of the week

Tonight I went to see New Moon with my roommate. I have read the entire series and I have been team Jacob since book 2. I know I'm 26 years old but I am in no way ashamed to be a fan of this series. If you have read the books and agree with me let me know. I am pro Jacob because he has a higher body temperature, I dont want to cuddle up to something stone cold. I want a hot man (literally). Jacob is also better to go on dates with because he actually eats food and doesnt make you feel like a fatty. In the movies Jacob (Taylor Lautner) is SO HOT! He pretty much was sans shirt the entire movie and although he is only 17 I would love to do bad things to him. Here are some photos of this weeks hottie, Taylor Lautner aka Jacob Black.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Put a Good Buzz on

I've noticed more and more lately the impatience of people driving down the road. I'm not a saint when it comes to this but twice today I had someone honk at me because I didnt go immediately after the light turned green. I also had a girl almost side swipe me because she was driving so fast down the parkway. I have a solution that will solve more than this problem.

Lets all get high! (sorry mom but you know its true). I did some research prior to this blog post that crime per capita in Amesterdam is relatively low. For example there per capita murder rate is 1.8% and ours is 8.2%. People who are high dont use guns because they are too lazy to get off the couch to get it. This one is better. Stoned people dont fight as much (maybe it takes too much coordination) the per capita assault rate in the US is 7.6 and in The Netherlands its 2.7. Thats a big difference.

I can pretty much guarantee that The Netherlands dont have as many sexual predators and rapes as we have here in the US. Why is that you ask? Easy, when guys are stoned, they cant get it up (I heard that somewhere Mom). In fact here is a stat for you the rate of Rapes in The Netherlands is .01 to every 1,000 and in the US its .03 to every 1,000. In fact the US is #9 on the list of rapes per capita. I cant even find a list of other sex related crimes which I believe would go down if you get a bunch of perverts high.

I also think we should kick sex offenders out of the US and put them on an uninhabited island somewhere. We would make sure there are some rabid monkeys so that when the sickos try something they learn their lesson quickly. That too is a post for another day. 

Okay, Bringing it back. If we were allowed to smoke weed like people smoke cigarettes then everyone would slow down a little. We would drive slower, be less stressed at work. Granted we would probably eat more and be fat but I think crime would drastically decrease because no one will care. So if I want to sit at the green light all day its okay because I'm taking my time and enjoying life!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Man Candy of the week Ian Somerhalder

IAN SOMERHALDER! Found fame in LOST as Boone and now starring in the Vampire Diaries. He is delicious. Hope this makes your Monday a little better.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Why I hate Thanksgiving

When I was 14 years old my grandmother went into a diabetic coma the night before Thanksgiving. When I was 16 years old my brother got married on Thanksgiving. At age 22 my other grandmother passed away the day after Thanksgiving and when I was 23 my Dad passed away shortly after the worst holiday ever. I tell people this story when they ask why I dont like Thanksgiving. We try to make the most of it. Last year we got together at my brothers house and cooked all of our family favorites. The year before we went to Palmetto Bluff in Bluffton, SC (here is the site you have to see this) where we ate amazing food, rented a house, and spent the day at the spa.

I'm DETERMINED to have a good holiday season this year. I have started planning what I will cook for Thanksgiving and I've started Christmas shopping. But as hard as I try I know that the innocence is gone. I want to be as happy now as I was in this picture with my Aunt and Uncle. I was just thrilled to have a new care bear.

On Friday my grandfather will go to Emory to have a consultation on an upcoming heart surgery. He just turned 83 and I am fearful about my history with the holidays. I will stay positive and have started posting a daily Christmas video on facebook to put me in the mood.

Just another photo to share, as happy as I was Christmas 1985 here is my happy nephew at Christmas last year. He was laughing under that storm trooper helmet I promise. Thats all it took was a light saber and a costume.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Man Candy of the week

After spending a week with celebrities and watching great films at the Savannah Film Festival I'm sad that I will not be seeing good looking men everyday. I am sharing another montage of a good looking celebrity for you to enjoy for the week. This week I give you Van Wilder also known as Ryan Reynolds. His defined jaw line and defined abs make him a total HOTTIE! Enjoy ladies.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

When we were young

 My niece is writing her first research paper. She is in the 5th grade. I made the mistake of looking at her and saying "When I was your age we played outside until dark and didnt stay cooped in the house writing research papers, that is what middle school is for". 

This sparked a conversation that provoked a lot of thought on my end. As I shook my head and thought, "My how things have changed". I started telling my niece what things were like when I was a kid. Here are some great ones. 
  • We had to fast forward through entire songs to get to the next one
  • If you werent home to answer the phone then you werent going to talk on it
  • We showed up at people's houses just to see if they were home and to say hey
  • We were allowed to ride our bikes all over town and played until the sun went down
  • Our video games had wires attached so you had to sit close to the tv
  • Our female role models wore LOTS of clothes and didnt have to go to rehab
  • We would race home in the afternoons to watch our favorite cartoons and get up early on Saturday to do the same
  • Cereal came with toys IN the box, you didnt have to send away for it
  • We wrote letters to our friends at school, we didnt text them
  • Our computers came with 1 screen color (usually green or orange). 
  • The Oregon Trail was the BEST computer game EVER!!
  • We never wore helmets when we rode bikes and we are fine
  • We had our birthday parties at the skating rink or at someone's house
  •  We opened presents at our parties in front of our friends (its weird that they dont anymore
I got this email this morning and it prompted me to finish this blog post that I've been thinking about for a week

When we were  young (its for older generations but some still apply)

First, we survived being born to mothers
Who smoked and/or drank while they were

They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing,
Tuna from a can and didn't get tested for diabetes.

Then after that trauma, we were put to sleep on our tummies in baby cribs covered with bright colored lead-base paints.

We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles,
Locks on doors or cabinets and when we rode
Our bikes, we had baseball caps not helmets on our heads.

Riding in the back of a pick-up truck on a warm day
Was always a special treat.

We drank water
From the garden hose and not from a bottle.

We shared one soft drink with four friends,
From one bottle and no one actually died from this.

We ate cupcakes, white bread, real butter and bacon.
We drank Kool-Aid made with real white sugar.
And, we weren't overweight.


Because we were
Always outside playing...that's why!

We would leave home in the morning and play all day,
As long as we were back when the
Streetlights came on.

No one was able
To reach us all day. And, we were O.K.

We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps
And then ride them down the hill, only to find out
We forgot the brakes. After running into the bushes
a few times, we learned to solve the problem.

We did not have Playstations, Nintendo's or X-boxes.
There were no video games, no 150 channels on cable,
No video movies or DVD's, no surround-sound or CD's,

No cell phones,
No personal computers, no Internet and no chat rooms.

And we went outside and found them!
We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth
And there were no lawsuits from these accidents.

We ate worms and mud pies made from dirt,
And the worms did not live in us

We were given BB guns for our 10th birthdays,
Made up games with sticks and tennis balls and,
Although we were told it would happen,

We did not put out very many eyes..
We rode bikes or walked to a friend's house and
Knocked on the door or rang the bell, or just
Walked in and talked to them.

Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team.
Those who didn't had to learn to deal
With disappointment.
Imagine that!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Weekend Eye Candy

I am going to be starting something new where every Friday I will give you some eye candy for the weekend. I will start with my favorite eye candy and who I have decided is the best looking guy in Hollywood. He may not be an A lister but his features are sharp and sexy. His cheekbones could probably cut you which is hot! He has beautiful eyes and an amazing body. Ladies I give you.....JAMES MARSDEN!!!

Visit Coastal Belle's profile on Pinterest.