I have a terrible memory. Everyone who knows me knows this about me. I decided that if I found a genie in a bottle I would ask for a better memory but I probably wouldnt be able to remember that when the time comes.
This weekend I have been hanging out with some old college friends. My best friend, Greg, and I went to the Kings of Leon concert in Atlanta and then to a friends wedding where we met up with my other best friends Jeannie and Cory. We spent all day reminiscing with some friends we havent seen in a while. It was fun but I realized that I dont remember lots of great times. I started going back through facebook and realized that my life would be a lot less complete with memories if I didnt have Facebook to remind me what I was doing in the Spring of 2005.
We discussed classes and I cant remember who I took for what (with the exception of a few). I dont remember details from parties and the parties seem to blur together. I think I partied too hard and now I'm paying the price. I cant remember some of my best nights. Thank God for my social network to remind me of some fun nights. I would like to share a few photos and tell stories so that I can forever seal them in the internet universe.
I was a ZTA and our favorite boys were the Kappa Sigmas. This photo is from a white trash bash we had while I was social chair. I proved myself for 2 years before getting the social chair position. This was the best mixer we ever had.
Since Jeannie is sitting beside me as I write this blog she wanted all of the memories to about her (we'll see).We had a mixer called "I'm glad I'm not..." and I went as my best friend and roommate Jeannie Burnside. I even wore her belt. She stayed at home and I had to explain that I was not dressed as an ADPi but as Jeannie
Kappa Sigma Formal 2004. Molly (in the fur) got a spray tan that day (bad idea). Elizabeth (in the pink) was fighting with her boyfriend and ended up not making it to formal because she stayed at the house to take care of my date, Rich (in the blue) who threw up so much that he burst all the blood vessels in his eye. I went to the Kappa Sigma formal without a Kappa Sig.
Wow, this will be the last photo for this post because it is getting ridiculous. My friend Greg had a dream that he and Elizabeth (in the white hat) had a baby named Beatrix. But the baby was actually a penguin. We were told this story over copious amounts of Sake at Miabi and decided it would be a good idea for them to get married. We decided to go bowling and the girls detoured to Target and planned a bowling alley wedding. Above is the photo of the wedding party and Beatrix after the nuptials. Did I mention there was lots of sake?