10. I-95- Savannah,GA to Miami, FL (8 hrs)You can start in Savannah with a historic tour. On the way make a stop in Jacksonville and Daytona and maybe even leave the hwy to visit Cape Canaveral.
9. I-65 Mobile, AL to Indianapolis, IN (11hrs)Mobile is one of my favorite cities. There is a little island community called Fairhope right outside of Mobile. it is the cutest town I've ever seen. Some of the best seafood also. On this trip you can visit Birmingham, AL and get educated on the Civil Rights movement (its a good tour, I've been) a little farther north and you can check out space camp in Hunstville. You'll move on up to Tennessee and go straight through Nashville. Then stop in Louisville and visit Churchill Downs. Its a nice trip for a weeks vacation.
8. I-25 Albuquerque, NM to Cheyenne, WY (8hrs)This is a nice little weekend trip. I-25 will take you through some beautiful landscapes and into Denver. You can venture outside of Denver to Rocky Mountain national Park. Its beautiful. You'd be surprised how close the Wyoming border is to Denver. It is only about an hour and a half. There are lots of cows in that area, thats what I remember the most. So keep the windows up.
7.I-95- Boston- Woodstock, Canada (7 hours) I've never been to Boston and I've certainly never been to Canada. This trip takes you up the coast of Mass, New Hampshire, and Maine and into Canada. I have some good friends from that area and they say it is absolutely beautiful. This trip is strictly for scenery.
6.I- 40 Barstow, CA to Nashville, TN (28hrs)As I mentioned we took I-10 across the nation. We almost took I-40 which would have been farther north. Had we done this would could have experienced sites such as the Mojave Dessert, The Grand Canyon (a short drive), Petrified Forest National Park, Amarillo, TX, Oklahoma City, and Memphis. Sounds like a nice 10 day trip.
5. I-55 Jackson, MS to Chicago, IL (12hrs) I LOVE Jackson, MS. It is home to the Sweet Potato Queens and I love them. This trip takes you through Memphis also so you can get some BBQ. Then you will drive through St Louis. You'll drive through Springfield, Ill. before making your way to Chicago (another place I've yet to go).
4. I-95 DC to Boston (8hrs) here is another short trip. I dont even have to look at a map to tell you what you'll see on this trip. DC is a great place to explore in itself. This trip will take you through Philadelphia. Dont forget to make a detour to Hershey and the Amish Country. I remember lots of corn when we went here. The city of Hershey smells amazing. Here you should roll down the windows. Drive further north the next big city is NEW YORK!!! What a great trip this would be.
3.I-5 Seattle- San Francisco (13 hrs)This is the next trip I will make. You start in Seattle and drive down the coast. Visit Portland, OR. Make a stop in Redwood National Forest, on down through. this will put you on the Pacific Coast Hwy. I woudl take this on down through Half Moon Bay and into the Wine country. Just south of that is San Francisco. Another quick trip from here and you can visit Yosemite.
2. I-10- Los Angeles- New Orleans (36hrs)This is the trip I made in 5 days. If i could do it again we would have taken more time. I spent a week in LA before we left so I got to experience Hollywood, the Hills, the Valley, and the beautiful beaches. We drove through Palm Springs which was beautiful. They have these huge windmills that power everything. A photo I took is below. You will drive into Phoenix by the end of the first day. Spend a night. The next day drive through New Mexico and on into Texas where you will first go through El Paso (DO NOT STOP, it is a scary place) Then San Antonio is a great place to spend the night. The next morning drive to Houston and visit. Then on into New Orleans the next day. We were there a week to the day before katrina hit. It was a lot of fun and we actually got lost in the lower ninth ward so I got to see it before it was destroyed. 9 hours later you'll be back in Savannah.

1.I-90 Seattle, WA to Boston, MA (46hrs) my last trip for you to take you should spend 2-3 weeks doing. It will take you through the upper portion of our great nation. You will drive through Montana and the plains of the Dakotas. You can detour and visit the Mall of America in Bloomington, MN right outside of St Paul. You get to see the cheeseheads in Wisconsin. On down into Chicago for some blues and a cubs game. South Bend, Indiana; Cleveland, OH to see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. On up around Lake Eerie you will find yourself in Buffalo, NY. Straight on through to Albany and then you find yourself in the state of Massachusetts. Its a long trip but with a camper and some good friends this would be a blast.