We are less than 30 days out from saying "I Do". There are so many loose ends to tie up and P is leaving for Vegas to work for 10 days. That leaves me 20 with him to get things done. We are also making final decisions on our kitchen and its my busy season at work. So I've decided to spend 1 day a week on the house and 1 day on the wedding. Here is this past week's progress. 
Ok, Technically these invitations went out 2 weeks ago but I am now getting the responses back. We did a mad lib RSVP and its been hilarious to read. Here is one of my favorites.
In other wedding related news we chose centerpieces and I LOVE them.
Since we are having a super long reception we are doing our 'send off' when we walk back down the aisle. Our dilemma is that the City of Savannah does not allow you to "toss" anything in the square. Mom and I had to get crafty so we came up with these super cute ribbon wands. We bought Joann fabric out of ribbon in our color. I bought 50 dowel rods and cut them down to 12" pieces. Then I heated up my glue gun and glued some bells to the top. I chose different sizes of bells so the sound will be unique. Mom cut the ribbons and I tied and glued them in place. Here is our progress, we still have 150 to go.
I found time to meet with the kitchen designer. . Here is a 3d mock up of what I hope it all looks like. We will order the kitchen after the wedding, we have enough going on until then.